Robotics Stories – Building efficiencies with robotics
- 19 Febrero 2025 (3 min read)
Robotics have been at the conceptual forefront of innovative minds for a significant period of recent history.1 Today, advanced technological capabilities powering the digital transformation are increasingly creating real opportunities across diverse sectors and industries. Integrating robotics and automation is expected to reduce costs, improve productivity, and boost the sustainability profile at industrial scale.
Crucially for investors, growing acceptance and acceleration of the digital transformation means that these capabilities are increasingly evolving away from their experimental origins, and becoming integrated into real, tangible daily operations – even in some business areas that may be surprising.2
Construction offers a suitable example to illustrate just how much potential there is for robotics and automation to radically, and continuously, improve a well-understood, tangible global industry. Construction provides us not only with buildings, houses, and our basic need for shelter, but also with roads, transport, infrastructure, and many other critical systems needed for the continued functioning of society. Traditionally, construction projects often run over-budget, miss deadlines, and create around a third of the world’s waste, contributing to at least 40% of carbon dioxide emissions globally.3 The World Economic Forum has been referring to the necessary transformation of the global construction industry as “long-overdue” for nearly ten years.4
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- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXV0b21hdGlvbmFueXdoZXJlLmNvbS9ycGEvZGlnaXRhbC1hY2NlbGVyYXRpb24iPldoYXQgaXMgRGlnaXRhbCBBY2NlbGVyYXRpb24gYW5kIGhvdyB0byBlbWJyYWNlIGl0PzwvYT4=
- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYnVzaW5lc3N3YXN0ZS5jby51ay9zZWN0b3JzL2NvbnN0cnVjdGlvbi13YXN0ZS1tYW5hZ2VtZW50L2hvdy10by1yZWR1Y2Utd2FzdGUtaW4tY29uc3RydWN0aW9uLyI+SG93IHRvIFJlZHVjZSBXYXN0ZSBpbiBDb25zdHJ1Y3Rpb24gfCBCdXNpbmVzcyBXYXN0ZTwvYT4=
- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2Vmb3J1bS5vcmcvcHJlc3MvMjAxNi8wNS90aGUtbG9uZy1vdmVyZHVlLXRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uLW9mLXRoZS1jb25zdHJ1Y3Rpb24taW5kdXN0cnkvIj5UaGUgTG9uZy1PdmVyZHVlIFRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uIG9mIHRoZSBDb25zdHJ1Y3Rpb24gSW5kdXN0cnkgJmd0OyBQcmVzcyByZWxlYXNlcyB8IFdvcmxkIEVjb25vbWljIEZvcnVtPC9hPg==
As global populations rise and resources become scarcer and more expensive, the need for smarter practice within heavy resource-consuming industries such as construction becomes increasingly urgent, both for the environment and for the bottom line. This is where companies such as U.S. software Procore are well-placed to contribute to a safer, more efficient and sustainable future. Its mission is to provide automated machines and systems to improve performance or create new possibilities related to construction tasks and workflows.5 The company has identified a considerable range of opportunities where existing technology can be used to augment the efficiency, safety, and waste footprint of manual operations. These range from drone data collection on-site to surveying and site layout, which benefits from faster automated design, calculations, and reducing human error. It also offers a range of single-use robots which carry out installation and quality control functions – these provide the dual benefit of greater precision and consistency, while freeing up human labor for more complex, creative (and often less hazardous) tasks.
Another key player in this transformation is Trimble, which brings automation and digital precision to industries traditionally plagued by inefficiencies. Originally known for its GPS technology, Trimble now provides software and hardware solutions that optimize workflows in construction, agriculture, and transportation. In construction, Trimble’s automated site positioning and machine control technologies enhance accuracy and reduce material waste. Its solutions integrate AI, sensors, and connectivity to improve real-time decision-making, helping projects stay on budget and schedule. By enabling smarter operations, Trimble plays a crucial role in improving both sustainability and profitability across multiple industries.
This versatility, and ever-widening scope of applications, is one of the key drivers behind the growth potential of robotics. The global construction robotics market is expected to grow to a considerable $775 million by 2032, triggered by rapid growth and widespread adoption.6
These companies present just part of the global opportunity available to investors in robotech, and to those seeking to capture a suitably diverse exposure to the long-term growth potential associated with robotics.
- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucHJvY29yZS5jb20vbGlicmFyeS9jb25zdHJ1Y3Rpb24tcm9ib3RpY3MiPkV4cGxvcmluZyBDb25zdHJ1Y3Rpb24gUm9ib3RpY3M6IFR5cGVzLCBCZW5lZml0cyAmYW1wOyBSZWFsLVdvcmxkIEFwcGxpY2F0aW9ucyB8IFByb2NvcmU8L2E+
- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly9oaWdod2F5cy50b2RheS8yMDI0LzA4LzI2L2NvbnN0cnVjdGlvbi1yb2JvdHMtMjAyNC8iPlRoZSBSaXNlIG9mIENvbnN0cnVjdGlvbiBSb2JvdHMgaW4gMjAyNCAtIEhpZ2h3YXlzIFRvZGF5PC9hPg==
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